Name announces new initiative for union of Breton cinemas and design boutique opens in Brest.
A new collaboration is in the making for the world of Breton cinema. La Cinémathèque de Bretagne, Longueur d'ondes, Cinéphare-Zoom Bretagne, and Côte Ouest are set to merge under one roof in Brest in 2026. The collaboration marks an exciting time for cinema enthusiasts in Brest, as a shared space is envisioned to bring together various cinematic activities.
Following the announcement for the opening of the new location, a consultation of architects was launched on December 10, 2024, to design the building. The 3-million-euro project aims to accommodate screening rooms, a documentation center, workshops, and educational spaces. In addition, the new cinémathèque plans to introduce a bar and dedicated rooms for sound and image. This innovative setup is anticipated to revolutionize the cinematic landscape in Brest, providing a hub for diverse cinematic experiences and knowledge.
On another front, artistic endeavors continue to flourish in Brest. Entrepreneur Sabine Baron Kerros recently opened Atelier Lusavel, a boutique specializing in unique, customizable, and sustainable lighting solutions. Kerros, an environmental engineer by background, noticed a lack of unusual lighting options on the market and saw an opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind store offering a wide range of home decor items, including artisanal lamps and ceramics by Rosalie Hauville. With Atelier Lusavel, customers can experiment with an array of materials, shapes, and colors to tailor their lighting and ambiance to suit their personal taste.
For those interested in Breton cinema, the oncoming development signals a positive change. Similarly, fans of distinctive interior design will appreciate Atelier Lusavel's offer of extensive creativity and environmentally friendly home decor options. With these latest additions, Brest looks forward to a more vibrant cultural scene, ideally positioning the city as a thriving hub for both cinematic experiences and innovative interior design.